Pro Tips

Tip #1
You’re going to want to have a full, firm grasp on what the project is going to entail. You’ll want to research what’s needed for your project, how to do it, how to finish it for you individual vision, how long it will take (roughly), etc. Don’t forget to really search for inspiration of what you plan to create, it’ll help you greatly!
Tip #2
Plan. Plan. Plan.
Our biggest recommendation for ANY diy-er is to have a plan. You will save yourself loads of time, money, and patience if you first take the time to prepare. Start planning after you’ve done your research. Make sure you have a list of needed supplies, products, materials, tools, etc. Keep a set of step-by-step instructions handy and ready to reference at all times. Video tutorials are also a great way to DIY. If you’ve prepped appropriately and the results will surely be great!
Tip #3
Gather Tools + Materials.
Before starting a project is a great time to evaluate what materials and tools you may already have laying around. Blow the dust off that level, and find your old tape measure in garage. Take a few moments to collect anything you think you'd need to work on your project. Can’t find something you really need? Consider borrowing from a friend or a family member. Still no luck? Simply stop on by your local Lowe's for anything you can gather up.
Tip #4
Be Safe.
Every DIY project is going to be different, but nonetheless you should always approach it with a 'Safety First' mentality. Make sure you’ve eliminated anything that can cause accidents. Clean up your work space and plan ahead to avoid things like trip hazards, hot objects/open flames, improper ventilation, etc. Ask a friend or a family member to spot you if using a ladder, grab your ear protection if using power tools, always wear your safety glasses and keep a pair of gloves handy at all times.
Tip #5
Take Your Time.
One thing to remember is to slow down and enjoy the DIY process. While Build and Batten products are designed to be a snap, we still recommend that you take your time - read directions carefully - practice safety precautions and most of all enjoy the process! DIY projects take time. Try allowing a little extra time in your timeline to account for any hiccups that may occur.